
On our way from Florence to Cinque Terre, we had to change trains in Pisa, which gave us a perfect opportunity for a quick stopover to see the leaning tower. We walked with our big packs the 10 minutes to the tower, and took the obligatory selfie. It was worth seeing since we were already passing through (and it really is leaning!), but we didn't climb it or visit anything in the complex. We actually found our stopover in Pisa kind of depressing (more run down, less picturesque, big crowds), but to be fair we only saw the tower and didn't venture into other parts of Pisa, which we've read is great. We originally thought we might do a day trip to Pisa from Florence, but chose Siena instead. We ended up being really happy with that choice since we loved Siena so much. 

Leaning Tower of Pisa & the Pisa Cathedral

Obligatory Selfie (harder than it looks)
